症状神枪手 Condi Deadeye
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说明 | |
模板代码 | |
增益 | 待补充 |
症状 | 20 x |
定位 | 症状 Condi Damage |
五维评分 | |
团队协同 | 3 |
输出能力 | 5 |
独立性 | 3 |
上手难度 | 2 |
精通难度 | 5 |
This build is strong in full condi groups (team comps)。 In terms of DPS, it is unlikely to fall behind any other specialization, whether they be running power or condi build, as it has very high sustained DPS on single targets.
Lastly, a condi build will always tend to interfere with a power composition, as it is not meant to have a higher upfront or burst damage, but both of these builds will do a lot of burst damage as well. It is worth mentioning that Venom Skills are very strong in that regard, and precasting them on the 雾锁奇点 will allow for a very high burst, quite uncommon for condi builds but very valuable.
症状神枪手 Condi Deadeye is quite a selfish build, that will not provide your party with any form of support. Instead, the value of this build comes almost entirely from the pure damage that it will bring, which is inflated by the
症状魂兽师 Condi Soulbeast’s , on top of Venom Skills which can be precast on the 雾锁奇点, and cast again as soon as your allies have consumed them by attacking the target. Consequently, the
症状神枪手 Condi Deadeye is able to apply a tremendous amount of 和 instances, as well as an non-negligible amount of 。As such, it is necessary to be running with a as it will become very valuable in bursting phases. Lastly, can bring up to 750 蔑视条 damage, if used at the proper moment, meaning if all instances of this ability are consumed when the boss is vulnerable to this type of damage (up to five stacks, one per player)。
, 但在 匮乏时相当无力。然而,它在 缺少时受到的影响较小,这是因为 先攻值 的性质决定的。总的来说,该配装如果作为一个备用职业来说是一项极佳的选择:选择它的那些玩家享受着高风险而高收益的循环。操作得当时,在野队中它针对单目标首领表现出色,例如碎层挑战模式中的首领,最显著的是 悲伤施法者 Sorrowful Spellcaster(光明和黑暗阶段的 艾 Ai)和 恩索利斯 Ensolyss,或者任何几乎没有阶段转换的首领。
一个展示 症状神枪手 Condi Deadeye and the
症状独行侠 Condi Deadeye 的视频播放列表可以在 Magic’s channel 找到。它目前还不完整,但你可以找到输出基准测试,以及在有组织的队伍中进行 CM 首领击杀和一些 T4 通关的视频。
我们不推荐在破碎观测台中使用该配装,因为在这个碎层中调整玩家的位置非常重要,而跳跃 +
却因为 变得非常笨拙。该配装的细节说明可以在后文中找到。Note that there are two slightly different variants of this build: one is meant for bosses with very short phases such as 恩索利斯 Ensolyss or Light Ai; the other one is meant for longer fights, where you will need to sustain damage for a longer period. This will also depend on your group. It will always be better to use the latter with people you do not know well, or in situations where your party doesn’t bring enough damage. 是一种可用的、更容易获得的替代方案。 如果没有治疗压力,这正是使用 而不是 时的完美配装!如果你不需要 的话, 也是你可以携带的最强治疗技能,用来保持你的生命值在 90% 以上。
短弓 可以在输出中断期间提供额外机动性和 预读,以及 雾锁奇点 处的爆炸终结技带来 。你也想要一把 手枪 搭配 在 亚特萨里弗 Artsariiv 分身阶段帮助 CC。
is a much better option to support your party as it brings a tremendous amount of party healing.物品 | 属性 | 法印/符文/灌注 |
头部 毒蛇Viper |
肩膀 毒蛇Viper |
上衣 毒蛇Viper |
手套 毒蛇Viper |
腿部 毒蛇Viper |
足部 毒蛇Viper |
主武器组 | ||
主手 毒蛇Viper |
副手 毒蛇Viper |
副武器组 | ||
主手 毒蛇Viper |
副手 毒蛇Viper |
背部 毒蛇Viper |
饰品 毒蛇Viper |
饰品 毒蛇Viper |
项链 毒蛇Viper |
戒指 毒蛇Viper |
戒指 毒蛇Viper |
物品 | 说明 |
食物 |
增强 |
灌注 |
一项可选的伤害技能,替代 | 来针对单体目标。|
一项快速的暗影疾步。对初学者友好的替代技能,可以用来提供一些生存能力。 | |
最高持续治疗。 | |
最佳队伍治疗。 |
最多 750 | |
200 (260 搭配 | )
该变体针对短阶段战斗或具有短阶段的首领;因为不携带任何咒术,使用 恩索利斯 Ensolyss;或者仍然用 搭配 ,如果在 先攻值 耗尽的情况下队伍输出还不够充足。
替代 。使用 替代 针对福祸难料变体
替换 来针对 ,或者也可以用来提供更多辅助能力。
Watching videos of players performing the rotation for this build, one might think that it is easy to play; after all, the 盗贼 tends to have spammy rotations, for the same reason mentioned before. The 先攻值 system allows for multiple, redundant casts of the same ability, during the entire duration of the fight. It is easy to see that one ability will always perform better than other ones, based on the ratio of damage dealt over 先攻值 points spent. Here are the main reasons why this rotation isn’t as easy as it looks, as well as some tips to master the rotation, depending on the encounter.
症状神枪手 Condi Deadeye has three primary damaging abilities: , , and 。Due to the nature of (which has to be cast to enable ), this rotation becomes very tricky, as it forces your character to Shadowstep Backwards: This is because the intention behind designing the 手枪/匕首 setup was probably to make a kiting kit, and it was never really meant to be a Best in Slot DPS kit. One way to bypass this is to jump during, or immediately after casting 。Not only is it an inconvenience for the rotation, but it also lowers your DPS slightly, as there will be a small, but significant delay where you will still be up in the air, unable to make your next move. It is necessary to jump sometimes, such as when Dark Ai pulses AoEs in a set ring pattern, so as not to lose too much health, and fall into Downstate far away from your friends.
- Darkz)。 can see its range alleviated by positioning the camera at a steep angle, above your character, and running inside of the hitbox. The latter reduces the porting range to approximately 400 units while combining the two reduces the range to about 180 units (courtesy of
- The rotation requires a good sense of timing, as do pretty much all
神枪手 builds, to maximize your DPS: timing some abilities incorrectly, such as (which will consume your Malice in exchange for some 先攻值 points), can have dramatic consequences for the rest of the fight: you might end up being completely unable to use any ability whatsoever because you have run out of 先攻值 points to spend. Not being able to use abilities keeps your Malice bar too low, and this chain reaction can leave you powerless to do anything until you can use 或 again.
- 在远程攻击时,可能会发生 技能落空或者 没有击中目标这样的情况,这会不必要地消耗一部分 先攻值,而且可能推迟你的 ,这可能会在之后的战斗中导致一些意料之外的情况,例如到了合适的时机 先攻值 却还没有充满。
- 将循环牢记于心非常重要,如果你没有完全理解 恶意 机制的话。一些技能,例如 只有在你处于 效果下才能使用;尤其是该技能在消耗恶意时具有额外的效果,所以 不要 在这之前或者在施放的同时使用 非常重要。具体来说, 应该总是在完成 后使用,以免干扰提供 的技能,例如 F2 的随机偷窃技能 ( , …)、 或 。
- 偷窃技能 ( 、 ……) 不 应该在你拥有低于 4 点 恶意 时使用,因为需要消耗其中 4 点来为你提供 ,从而能够使用 。
- 恩索利斯 Ensolyss, or more Venom Skills on all of the other bosses. We also recommend on bosses such as 多形态机动火炮 MAMA, 西亚克斯 Siax, 斯科瓦德 Skorvald, 亚特萨里弗 Artsariiv, and 阿克 Arkk so as not to run out of initiative, and allow for more procs of 。Note that will always reset upon your Marked target’s death. is a key trait that will lower the cooldown of all of your 通用技能s by 20% of their total cooldown after killing a Marked target. Targets can be Marked with 。A good way to reset your in order to reapply it to a new foe is to run 。It is essential to run this trait on every CM boss, as it will allow you to precast additional on
- 最后,应该理解 是一个针对较长战斗的关键特性,因为使用一项咒术,例如 或 ,会允许你多使用一次偷窃技能,而 大约每二十秒只给予你一次。
All Damaging Venom Skills should be casted on the 雾锁奇点: 斯科瓦德 Skorvald, 亚特萨里弗 Artsariiv, 阿克 Arkk, 多形态机动火炮 MAMA, and 恩索利斯 Ensolyss with the use of a , or on 西亚克斯 Siax without. It is also possible on the 悲伤施法者 Sorrowful Spellcaster (Light & Dark Ai), but with a 1/4 chance of success.
, 和 。On stationary bosses which can be manually activated, instead of precasting , you can instead go to the spawn location and precast 。All you have to do then is to activate the Preparation when the boss becomes vulnerable, and cast it again as it will be 冷却完毕. This is possible on- 应对暗阶段的 艾 Ai 时,确保你的毒液预读作用在 生成的随从身上,因为在开始战斗时,玩家身上的所有增益和特殊技能效果都会被移除。
- 在 雾锁奇点,猛按 爆炸终结技带来 。