95 崖壁 Cliffside
起点 &脚踝封印
Kill the Cultists but take the 诅咒巨锤 before finishing the last one to get a hammer charge.
Take the portal to above (…or walk) and destroy the two Ankle Seals using hammer Skill 4
. Both seals have to get hit two times, do not finish mobs unless you need a charge.
使用 /gg
afterwards and stay dead until the 元素使,守护者,盗贼 reaches the Chest Seal.
After the 龙魂使 or someone teleported the party up, the 元素使 waits at the gate for the others to finish the two seals, then rush upstairs.
Keep walking until you reach the last wooden board, then /gg
as well.
The ankle seals
The chest seal
Chest Seal
As soon as the 元素使 did /gg
too, everyone can resurrect and will respawn in front of the Chest Seal with a new 诅咒巨锤 ahead of you.
It will take five hits to break the chest seal. If you see somebody running ahead and placing a
to the Arm Seals, try to get a hammer charge before taking it to above. In an ideal scenario the group kills the cultists one by one and uses every charge gained so that no time is lost due to waiting for respawns. This implies, that the party can run a healer to better sustain the damage - with no penalty in speed for this encounter.Take
and spam for and condition cleanse on party.After 2-3 hits against the Seal, place
, run up to the Right Arm Seal, wait for the destruction of the Chest Seal then open the portal for the party.双臂封印
This is a matter of timing, so look out for the 龙魂使 placing , giving to the hammer carrier and not getting knocked back, resulting in faster seal breaking.
and the hammer carrier. In a perfect world you use the portals one by one, andDuring the portal jumping, keep Cultist’s health as low as possible but only finish them when a hammer charge is needed. If you run out of portals simply run together. Ideally, both seals take three hits to be destroyed—two portals are more than enough.
Type /gg
after finishing both seals and stay dead. If you wipe before both seals are destroyed, they will reset to full health.
One of the arm seals
Do not resurrect yourself yet, wait for the 魂武者,元素使,守护者 或 盗贼 to finish his portal and do /gg
himself again or you will be stuck with a useless person for the entire end fight.
After the whole party /gg
‘ed, resurrect yourself and place at the revival position.
Blink up to the Arch Diviner, open the portal and walk away from it before doing /gg
again to reset your cooldowns. If you kill yourself on the portal it bugs so watch it!
Now the whole party can resurrect and use the portal, type go
in chat to indicate that. Before taking the portal on your own, switch your skills and traits back. This takes some timing to get right.
After the portal opens you resurrect, take the portal up and start the fight against the Arch Diviner. His defiance bar appears very shortly but frequently, try to break it as often as possible to benefit -
。Every 25% of his health, you will need to collect a 诅咒巨锤 charge similar to before by killing one of the four spawned Cultists and hit the final Seal to make the Arch Diviner vulnerable again. Cultists apply a lot of conditions so kill them fast and try to stay out of their aggro range.
Do not get caught in any of the Arch Diviner’s voidzones, otherwise you will be teleported and trapped inside a distant cage which messes up positioning. Also, try to stack on him as he teleports to the furthermost person.
The arch diviner and the final seal