狂战士 Berserker - Quickness Support Condi DPS

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使用场合:团队副本 Raids迷雾碎层 Fractals


概述 Overview

Once a meta-defining DPS-support, Bannerslave has returned as a Quickness Quickness provider. Banners provide a large amount of Quickness Quickness up front and then pulse supplementary boons for a while afterwards. This makes warrior excellent for handling mechanics as it can spend long times off stack, and can provide its boons up to 960 units away. As banners cannot be moved once placed, it does struggle to maintain uptime on encounters with lots of movement.

This build provides permanent uptimes of Quickness QuicknessFury Fury,along with around 80% Resistance Resistance

技能 Skill Bar


技能变体 Skill Variants

is essential for Quickness Quickness uptime, but shattering blow can be swapped out if needed (though it is a significant DPS loss to replace it with anything but another rage skill):

模板代码 Template Code


特性 Specializations

装备 Equipment


  • Getting use out of the Stability StabilityAegis Aegis,respectively, can be difficult as you need to use these skills nearly off cooldown to maintain Quickness Quickness。 If you want to be able to use them more reactively, then swapping in Ritualist stats Ritualist stats gear is an efficient way to gain a lot more boon duration.

装备变体 Equipment Variants


  • A can replace the :more consistent DPS, that should be slightly higher. The difference will be small though.
  • The exact arrangement of sigils is not vital, but the on-crit sigils are chosen to be on longbow as has a ~98% chance of critting at least once, making it more likely that you will get a second proc of or a third proc of

消耗品 Consumables

食物 Food


使用说明 Usage

In general you want to use your banners off cooldown, though you can afford to delay them by a second or so if it means not delaying your berserk rotation. If you land your banners in one of your many fire fields, you can also provide some incidental Might Might。 If you anticipate needing to delay your banners to deal with mechanics, or just find that you need higher boon duration to maintain Quickness Quickness,then swapping in Ritualist stats Ritualist stats gear is very efficient.

循环 Rotation

Condi Berserker does not have a perfect loop as length and cooldown align differently with key skills. This means skill ordering can vary depending on how much time you have left in

Opening Berserk Section

  1. Cast both banners on the group (after the boon strip, if there is one)
  2. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  3. as soon as the self-stun wears off
  4. Weapon swap Weapon swap

Sword section (berserk)

After the opener, you will switch between sword and longbow sections until runs out

  1. (only when target is below 50% health)
  2. - use this as the second skill if is about to end
  3. Auto until Weapon swap Weapon swap is off cooldown - don't worry about finishing the auto chain
  4. Weapon swap Weapon swap

Longbow section (berserk)

  1. ,if available
  2. Auto, Banners until Scorched Earth is off cooldown
  3. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  4. Return to start of sword section

Outside berserk section

Assuming you're fast enough, berserk should run out shortly after step 4 in the third sword section

  1. Auto until has ~4s remaining on cooldown - finish the auto chain this time
  2. (only when target is below 50% health)
  3. (optional)
  4. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  5. Auto until is off cooldown
  6. Weapon swap Weapon swap
  7. Return to start of sword section

视频演示 Video Example

常规技巧 General Tips

  • While in ,you want to weapon swap off sword as soon as you can.
  • While in ,always start longbow sections with and always end them with
  • Use whenever they are off cooldown.
    • Try to fit in before so that it is not delayed too much.
    • extends the duration of if used while in ,so make sure you use it as soon as it's available to prevent ending early. Try not to use it during steps 1-3 on longbow though, as this will delay your entire rotation.
      • Continue using outside of ,but you can delay it a couple of seconds if berserk is about to become available.
  • is your lowest DPS skill aside from auto attacks. This means you can easily delay it to fit in other key skills, or even weapon swap in the middle of the cast to prevent slowing down your rotation.
  • Follow the rotation as much as possible but stay on longbow if you can't make use of your sword skills in melee range.
  • You can provide extra might for your group by using inside your or another fire field.
  • Try to drop your banners when you would otherwise just be autoattacking on longbow.
  • Some bosses have attacks that are harmful to the group if they're reflected (Primarily Matthias Gabrel and Cairn the Indomitable), make sure to familiarize yourself with these and avoid reflecting them with

Advanced Tips

  • If you get a fire aura from source other than yourself, then you should delay
  • You can stow-cancel the aftercast of ,as well as the aftercast of the auto-attack that comes before the in step 5 of the longbow section.
  • Getting the very last requires being very fast with the rotation. If you are not quite fast enough to consistently fit it in, you can use it as the first skill of the final sword section in
  • For most of the rotation, the order of is unimportant as you will use each of them only once per loop, and the loop is longer than their cooldowns. The order used is to make the rotation easier to remember, but informed by the following:
    • On the second sword section after the opener, is not quite off cooldown when you swap to sword, but using first would delay it slightly ( is a very high-damage skill)。 Thus is used first.
    • During the sword section where ends, there is time to use twice without delaying the rotation, but only if it is used before


  • Your most easily accessible strong CC is
  • If your team needs strong CC, on Mathias Gabrel for example, you can switch ,your strongest CC option.