守护者 Guardian - Core Spirit Burn Guard
此配装转载自 https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_Core_Spirit_Burn_Guard
The community gave this build a rating,making it second-tier: 优秀 Good
使用场合:征服模式 PvP Conquest
该配装最后更新于:1 月 20, 2024;并已与以下版本同步:1 月 30, 2024 patch.
概述 Overview
A PvP Core Condition Guardian build with a very versatile support DPS toolkit. Guardian is capable of high condition damage bursts while and also providing support for the team via defensive boons including Stability,
Protection 和
Aegis plus the AoE cleansing.
技能 Skill Bar
技能变体 Skill Variants
- 钉锤 over 利剑 - more forgiving and beginner friendly option with increased sustain but no mobility.
模板代码 Template Code
特性 Specializations
装备 Equipment
装备变体 Equipment Variants
- - better mobility.
使用说明 Usage
- Your role is to rotate where the teamfight is and keep doing heavy AoE damage.
- This PvP build lacks toughness, so it may seem pretty squishy at first. Good situational awareness and proper use of CDs distinguish a good Condi Guardian from a dead one.
- (F1) does most of the damage. You want to keep the passive effect most of the time and only use the active when you know your opponent can't cleanse it or when you need a quick burst to secure a kill.
- When you kill an opponent recharges your F1 back, so always use this skill when an enemy is about to be finished off (preferably in range of your temmates because the active can be shared with allies)。
- Using the F1 too early is a bit risky because then you're going to do next to no damage until it recharges.
- can be used both offensively and defensively, it's one of your strongest skills. When used at the right moment, you can protect your team or yourself by destroying projectiles and mitigating strike damage through
Weakness。 The Weakness could also act as a cover condition for bursts.
- is not easy to place well, it might take some practice. Try placing it in a way that it either covers most of the capture point, hits multiple targets, or forces others to dodge through it at a chokepoint. When you're being focused try casting it under your feet so that enemies who attack you like Thieves have to either facetank your damage or disengage.
- is by far your strongest ability, and you have to be especially careful with where you place it. You can use it to rid your team of conditions, pressure multiple opponents or cleave downed enemies.