燃火者 Firebrand - High Burst Condition
此配装转载自 https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_High_Burst_Condition
概述 Overview
High burst condition damage great in team fight. High risk, High Reward.
模板代码 Template Code
特性 Specializations
装备 Equipment
装备变体 Equipment Variants
- Pistol & Pistol for more glass canon and DPS but less survivability.
- Scepter & Focus for more the immobilize. Must take instead of in the Zeal Trait line.
- instead of :more cleansing.
使用说明 Usage
Elite specialization mechanics
Quickness generated from ,, is what makes this build works paired with Axe Auto 和 will cause massive
Burn。 Unless the enemy is just standing still, it will be hard to do this so this where your other skills comes.
- is a must as this will enable you to do more burns even your passive is on cooldown.
- acts as a potent constant condition cover paired with + + Any
Fury plus the bleeding from plus other condition you apply can prevent your enemy from cleansing the burning.
- Start in your pistol and focus weapon set.
- Make sure you have 和 charged up.
- If you have time to prep use +
Epilogue Ashes of the Just before entering combat for more initial burning damage.
- Make sure to bait out dodges, stun breaks,
Stability,Blocks, and Invulnerability, first before doing the combo by using 和
- Use + before switching weapons.
- Once you find an opening that's when you use then use right away as its a very fast animation. If you successfully pull the enemy in, immediately follow up with 。
- When they are in front of you start using 2 charges of 和 at the same time while pressing axe auto 。
- By then the enemy will be likely be using a long blocking skills such as or a disengage, you will want to wait to use the last charge of the mantra.
- Once there is an opening or they did not have any above, then use the last charge of the Mantra 和 。 Once successfully land, it will give many condition cover such as
Vulnerability plus
Poison from the Relic after using 和
- If everything lines up. Spam only using your axe auto attack + + Searing Slash which stacks tons of
Burn and minor
Immobilize will help you land your auto
- If everything lands and don't address the burn with cleanses the enemy will be dead in about 2 seconds.
- For against tanky builds or if you feel like it, you can use +
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath at the end of the enemy blocks or before pulling in with the combo.
- +
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath deals a lot of damage paired with 和
- Important Info: once all of that hits the enemy will try to use a heal skill with the the common animation of hand movements plus a blue light. Try to use a CC to interrupt the casting by using +
Chapter 3 Heated Rebuke:range or +
Chapter 2 Daring Challenge:melee range or if available.
- If the enemy's heal skill is the other types, try not to attack during the duration or be on the defensive side to prevent the extra proc heal.
- Once your done with the combo switch to mace as soon as possible as this will help you survive and sustain before the next combo.
- Try to survive as much as you can as your combo cooldown lines up to about 30 seconds.
- Poke with your range weapon (Pistol or Scepter)
- Use +
Epilogue Eternal Oasis:the 20% Heal increase plus 5 condition cleanse such as
Poison before using
- +
Chapter 4 Shining River + blast finisher such as
Chapter 2 Igniting Burst + :more healing
- Don't be afraid to use +
Chapter 2 Radiant Recovery:a quick 2 condition cleanse + heal as it only cost 1 page and low cooldown.
- For ranged opponents or classes with lots of projectile, +
Chapter 3 Valiant Bulwark to start is a must for survival. Due to the massive reflect bubble, this can reflect projectile damage back to the opponent. The only downside to this is it does not reflect
- + Chapter 4 Stalwart Stand is another Stun Break.
- I found that while using +
Chapter 4 Scorched Aftermath:pressure relief while charging 和 works well as most players don't want to stand in fire.
- If the enemy is ranged, use terrain to block your line of sight while charging 和 。
- You can also use to charge up 和 quickly if you are in a pinch.
Original Build by your local Firebrand
Yuna Kawase