编织者 Weaver - D/F Lightning Rod
此配装转载自 https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_D/F_Lightning_Rod
The community gave this build a rating,making it second-tier: 优秀 Good
使用场合:征服模式 PvP Conquest
该配装最后更新于:1 月 14, 2024;并已与以下版本同步:1 月 30, 2024 patch.
概述 Overview
A Power Weaver build for PvP which uses the trait to add extra damage to its many CC skills while also mitigating direct damage through the Weakness LR applies. Here the best defense is a good offense. While the low sustain coupled with the reliance on melee range makes this build rather unforgiving to play, it's very satisfying to pull off.
技能 Skill Bar
Slot Changes
Viable choices for the optional slot include:
- - several strong defensive skills and even some CC all rolled into one conjure.
- - great defensive skill in general, works against any form of pressure.
- - stun break + an evade frame right after. Could also replace ,it's a matter of preference.
- - resets the CD on attunements and allows for double attuning immediately for its duration. This is great for accessing your defensive weapon skills on Earth and Air in case of an emergency, or proccing 。
- -
Stability and general sustain.
- - decent damage boost when used on Air, but it's a very greedy option on an already low-sustain build.
- - slightly lower CD than Tornado and has LR synergy. Good for setting up kills, could also be used defensively on Earth for damage mitigation. Tornado however offers more mobility and CC.
模板代码 Template Code
特性 Specializations
变体 Variants- If you feel like you're getting a sufficient amount of
Vigor: then could be taken for more healing.
- - more sustain.
- - more burst.
装备 Equipment
装备变体 Equipment Variants
- - more experienced players could go for Berserker too, giving up survivability for higher damage. Take to compensate for some of the lost HP.
使用说明 Usage
Elite specialization basics
Weaver allows the Elementalist to attune to 2 elements at the same time, and skills 1-5 are decided based on both. Let's call them primary 和 secondary attunements.
- If you swap to then Fire becomes your primary attunement and weapon skills 1-2 will be fire skills. Afterwards if you switch to :example then Water is now your primary attunement and Fire's moved to secondary - now skills 1-2 are Water and 4-5 are Fire. Skill 3 is a dual skill created by a combination of your active attunements - Fire + Water for example is 。
- The order of the attunements doesn't matter here, Water primary with Fire secondary has the same dual attack as Fire primary and Water secondary. Attuning to the same element twice gives you access to the "core" skill of the weapon, the skill you'd have if you weren't a Weaver.
- should seldom be touched, as the passive is extremely valuable. Note that several trait procs also count as skill activations and will benefit from the passive of this signet.
- Unless you either have a high amount of
Confusion on you, or you're already at maximum health, you should always be casting something (autoattacks will do too)。 This is to get the most out of this signet's passive.
- Unless you either have a high amount of
- Cycle fire ⇒ air ⇒ fire ⇒ air to maintain
Swiftness while roaming between capture points.
- If taken can be cancelled by stowing your weapon in rare cases when the full evasion isn't needed (let's say you have to cleave a downed target and must keep the pressure up, but had to break stun)。
- is the bread and butter of this build, causing every CC effect in the build to add to your damage. The general playstyle revolves around weaving together hard hitting skills such as with CC for burst damage.
- Your most dangerous skills tend to be dual skills, especially those related to :
- on Air + Fire (this is the most damage you can do with 1 skill)。
- on Air + Earth (damage over time, adds to other burst attempts)。
- Air + Water (raw damage AND LR synergy, one of your best skills)。
- on Earth + Water (Lightning Rod synergy)。
- on Fire + Earth (raw damage)。
- has a delay, you could combo this with other high damage skills like 或 :a quick burst.
- If taken Attuning to the same element twice grants ,which is a decent damage increase. makes obtaining this buff easier. Best attunements to double attune to are Air and Fire.
- is the most important one in the build and should be attuned to often, both for damage and sustain. alone could provide a ~50% AoE Weakness uptime and it does really good damage, while is the go-to cleave skill in the build when you're out of CDs. Air/Earth is especially good at cleaving downed targets because not only can you add 和 to your autoattack spam but also instantly proc with ,boosting the damage of the whole sequence.
- When cleaving a downed target going from Air/Earth to Air/Air should be considered too, you get to maintain the pressure with Lightning Whip while gaining access to and its transmute skill :an AoE
Stun that could halt the rez attempt of the enemy team.
- When cleaving a downed target going from Air/Earth to Air/Air should be considered too, you get to maintain the pressure with Lightning Whip while gaining access to and its transmute skill :an AoE
- is good at finishing off low HP targets, making sure they don't get to heal up while also damaging them with procs. This works on downed targets too so you could use it to disrupt rez attempts. Even if enemy players have
Stability or a Guardian is casting Tornado could launch the downed enemy into the distance to deny it.
- Tornado's also quite good at quickly neutralizing enemy capture points.
Burst combo examples
Water primary, Earth secondary
- Swap to Air
- Swap to Fire
Air primary, Earth secondary
- Swap to Fire
Air primary, Fire secondary (ranged burst)
- Precast
- to your target's location in the middle of casting Plasma burst
- plays a major part here as well, constantly mitigating damage trough Weakness spam.
- Sustain's low in general, especially when it comes to handling conditions. Cleansing is limited to your sigil, dodging on 和 。 Perhaps your best tool against conditions is ,which makes you immune to incoming conditions and causes you not to take damage from the ones already on you for its duration.
- Earth #4-5 in general are some of your strongest defensive tools. Due to their placement on the skill bar however, as a Weaver you may not gain access to these skills immediately when swapping to 。 This can be solved by using in case of emergency. Unravel's also great for grabbing on 。
- Swapping to Earth is an instant source of
Protection,you can do this even while stunned.
- If you're on Air then double attuning to Air isn't a bad idea either. You gain access to which is an instant CC. Not only is that capable of stopping burst attempts, it also applies
Weakness via LR synergy.
- If you're on Air then double attuning to Air isn't a bad idea either. You gain access to which is an instant CC. Not only is that capable of stopping burst attempts, it also applies
- lets you kite melee opponents should you need some breathing room.
- (Fire/Water) creates a Water field with a very short duration, but it's just enough to blast for a bit of extra healing if you swap to Air right after with either 或 。
- Some of the dual skills have baked in defenses, like damage reduction on ,Blind on or evasion on 。
- If you're on Water primary and Earth secondary you could use ,swap to Fire, and follow up with to build distance while evading attacks.
- Earth and Air have some great skills for fighting ranged projectile users: on Air secondary, on Earth primary和 on Earth secondary.
- is an excellent panic button. With this (and good reaction times) you can teleport out of harm's way all the way to the highground or leave fights altogether.
- could be used to disengage from fights. Skill #5 is a great mobility skill that also does AoE CC, and using the elite procs which can block a couple of attacks.
顶尖主播 Top Streamers
- Twitch: Grimjack
- Twitch: Phantaram
- Twitch: Blamthrax
- Twitch: Boyce
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