征服模式 PvP Conquest

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《激战2》PvP 配装,包含所有职业的最优、极佳和可用配装以及有关指南。

最优 Meta = most common and highest performing builds especially in tournament play.

极佳 Great = top tier builds you'll often encounter in ranked, these builds have a good chance of becoming meta in the future.

优秀 Good = somewhat niche builds that can still be effective based on team comp, player skill and rating bracket, but generally they are outclassed by others in their role.

本页配装与以下游戏版本同步: 1 月 30, 2024 patch.
最优 Meta
极佳 Great
优秀 Good
测试 Test
草案 Draft

目前暂无 draft PvP builds

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